#DAILYLOOK IRL: BEE @ihavenofeelinginmyface


A little while ago MUTZINE met up with Thai social media influencer BEE (@ihavenofeelinginmyface) during her latest Seoul visit! We partied at SEENDOSI's (@seendosi) monthly No Club but right before that we had a chat to find out why she loves Korea so much!!

Interview Gissella Ramirez-Valle, Photos Bee

So let’s start with who you are...
Hello! I’m Bee. 25 years old from Bangkok. A freelance model, a columnist for independent magazine in Thailand, an owner of @50percent.official, and a co-founder of @leftandright.studio.

How did you come up with your handle @ihavenofeelinginmyface ?
It started with I got a little bored of using my own name. Plus, I don’t really smile in most of my photos on Instagram so I came up with this name. I think it’s pretty funny. 


How would you define Korean fashion? What’s its essence? 
The obvious things I can tell is the oversized style, and the less-is-more. I really like how Korean guys dress themselves. Sometimes, they just wear a t-shirt, pants, a cap and a pair of sneakers but it looks really cool all together. 

What shops are your favorite to visit in Seoul? Why?
ADER ERROR is my favorite shop. The shop changes all the time, I think they pay a lot attention to details when it comes to decorating and display. Another store is Odd Gallery because they have all Korean streetwear brands there.

Which brands do you like to buy? Your favorites?
I like MPQ, ESC Studio, Thisisneverthat and Labrosseoul.


Are you into K-Pop? Who are your favorite idols? Why?
For K-Pop, I really like ikon. They are so talented, especially Junhoe, his voice is amazing, also his dance moves, actually everything. But for rappers, Loco and Zico are my favorites.


Which cafes did you enjoy the most in Seoul?
I love so many cafes there!!! But the cafes that I have to go every time I’m there are Alice Lawrance XX (@alicelawrancexx) and CollagE (@collagE). Both of them have a loft-style vibe, I really like it, it’s got a warm feeling, perfect in winter for a cup of hot coffee.

What was most memorable about this trip to Korea?
Apart from shopping and going to concerts, the best thing is to make friends here which is an awesome thing. I always had so much fun coming back and meeting friends at Seoul Fashion Week, and at clubs.


You also run a nail shop! What designs are you doing a lot these days?
The concept of my nail shop is on the same page with streetwear trend. Therefore, customers here are very stylish themselves. The designs we’ve done a lot were checks and neon aliens. 


When did you first come to Seoul?
The first time was 2014 and then I've come back for Seoul Fashion Week every year.

What do you do day-to-day? What's your typical schedule?
When I go to Korea, I don’t really plan to go to lots of tourist places. Going to Korea for me is to take a break, spend a slow life, going to a coffee shop, taking a walk somewhere, something like that. I like to go to concerts so I always choose to go to Korea when my favorite bands are having concerts. 

What keeps you coming back? 
I am pretty much into everything in Korea! I like the weather, the lifestyle, the food and the most importantly, fashion. The fashion scene in Seoul matches my interest the most. Everyone there is having fun dressing up. 


Tell us about your streetwear brand! 
My brand in Bangkok is called 50percent.official. It started with me doing and making what I want to wear, every collection is like that. Most of them are oversized t-shirts with playful colors and typography. I started this brand also for people who like my style, so we can be into this style together.

When will you come back to Seoul?
This October for Seoul Fashion Week! See ya!